24 Hours Left to Sign Up for Our Online Course

It all started two years ago when we realized there's one question readers ask us over and over: “How much should I charge nonprofits for my photography?” We can relate. We remember how hard it was (and still is, honestly) to find information on pricing.

We don’t want you to struggle like we did. So we created a course just for you called “How to Price Nonprofit Photography.” Through videos, worksheets and a podcast, we walk you through how we calculate what to charge nonprofits for photography – and even better, we share some of our real financial numbers.

Your opportunity to register for the course ends in just 24 hours. Learn more here.

Here’s what people are saying about our course:

"In a profession where every job can be different, it's helpful to see how others navigate common business practices. This course dives right into open and honest conversations about real world situations and topics that are too often ignored. Working with non profits brings a plethora of rewards but also unique challenges. Much of what this course does is empower individuals to ask the tough questions so that your passion projects or work remains maintainable and ultimately successful."

-Rebecca Gaal, Humanitarian and Conservation Photographer and Course beta tester

“Even after being in the photography business for 17 years I was struggling to figure out pricing for the next stage of my career. I love my work with my wedding and family clients but I have always felt I was destined for more photographically. With a background in photojournalism, diving into the NGO world makes sense after spending my career documenting weddings and families. Finding the NGO Storytelling website was fantastically helpful in and of itself but when I saw they had a course on how to price for NGOs I knew I had to buy it and I am glad I did. The course was a combination of a much needed refresher course and new information which I so badly needed. I feel like I have a leg up that I would have had to spend many hours of trial and error figuring out on my own.”

-Tyler Wirken, Photojournalist, Wedding Photographer, Course Beta Tester 

If you can’t take the course right now and are interested in taking it in the future comment below or send us an email at hello@ngostorytelling.com to us know what time of year would work best for you in the future.